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BJ250 H1

BJ250 H1

There are not much sound- and video-documents of the Estrella available - but here are some of them ...

Video (332KB)

Kawasaki Video

A small video by Kawasaki - shortened to 10 seconds.
It shows the Estrella togther with her big sister, the W650.

There are a lot of video platforms on the internet like Youtube. Have a look, search for Estrella and also for BJ250 and you will find many videos.

Estrella Sounds

On the wonderful private website of Nao from Japan were the sounds of nine different Japanese Estrellas.

If these pipes are legal or not depends on national law; so you should inform yourself before modifying! Here are the sounds, converted into short video clips (8 seconds, 100-170 kb).
The clips are protected. Please send me a short email to get the keyword.

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